Are you making these mistakes? Learn how to break dating stereotypes!
Last Update : August 8, 2019 by Noah

It is time to change some of the most popular dating stereotypes, don’t you think?
We’ve already seen how Tinder generation is apparently the generation that has destroyed love. Love can be easily caged in misconceptions, but if you’re really looking for a great kind of love, you should be looking for a kind of romance free of stigmas. If you don’t know what we’re talking about, we encourage you to pass the test.
Would you pass the test: Are you part of the Tinder Generation?
Stereotypes are everywhere, but dating stereotypes can be pretty hurtful as they limit so much love, romance, and flirting. The beauty of romance is that there are as many different forms of romance as there are individuals, so why would you let yourself be limited by outdated stereotypes?
In this article, we’re going to overview some of the most common ones:
Dating stereotypes…about women
Oh, women.
People love to talk about women and how they should behave, what they should do, what they should be looking for, etc. etc.
Who doesn’t have an opinion on women?
When it comes to dating, the most common stereotype is that women have to wait until they get noticed by men. A passive attitude. In the same way people have always wanted women to be. Passive.
It is true though?
Of course not! Passivity is not beneficial when it comes to finding love, and love won’t come to your front door.
Waiting to get noticed won’t bring you Love either, it’ll bring attention. Two different things.
Women have been made to believe for a long time, that the more they get noticed the more success they have amongst men, and the more attractive they are, hence worthy of love.
It sounds ridiculous when you put it like that, but sadly, it is still a very rooted stereotype.
It’s time to break it!
Dating stereotypes…about men
There are also plenty of stereotypes about men, and they are related to stereotypes about women. If ladies had to be passive, can you guess it? Yep, men have to be active.
What does that mean?
It means that men have to take the first step: talk, flirt, invite, pay, touch, kiss, etc. etc.
In that sense, it is solely the man’s responsibility to get the flirting business going.
You might think it sounds quite outdated, we’re not living in the 50s anymore. Well, you’ll be surprised!
Just think about your friends, think about how flirting tends to happen in bars. Men have the pressure to prove their masculinity by noticing women and acting on that attention they are giving.
Is it sounding bells? Yes! Women stereotypes couldn’t exist without men stereotypes!
So what’d happen if you break one of the two or even both of them?
Well my friends, that brings us exactly to the next chapter…
Dating stereotypes…about love
There are so many stereotypes about love. SO MANY!
Do you know why there are so many stereotypes about Love and Romance? Because there are many different ways to experience and enjoy Love.
One of the oldest ones though, and arguably one of the most damaging for our little hearts, is the idea that when you’re in love, you’re just breathing for the other person.
Wait, what?
It means that being in love means forgetting about yourself and doing everything with your other person. No wonder why a like-minded partner has traditionally (and still nowadays) been called the other half. Do you really think that you need “another half” to be completed?
We don’t think so.
Love complements but never completes.
My friend, you are already complete, and it is you, the whole you that will be loved.