Why having kids doesn’t mean your Love Life is over
Last Update : August 7, 2019 by Noah

If you’re a single parent this article is for you. If you’re in a romantic relationship and you wonder if your love life is over, this article is for you too.
We already discussed how to lose the fear of dating again, but today we’re going to discuss what happens when you have kids and you try to have an exciting love life. Is it possible?
How easy is it to find a perfect balance between your routine and romance?
Kids open a new chapter IN your life, but that doesn’t mean that they close other things. It all depends on how you organize your life.
So, let’s see why having kids doesn’t mean your love life is over!
How to keep Romance alive with kids
If you surf the Internet, it is pretty easy to find articles claiming that kids can destroy a marriage or on the other end, that kids can save marriages.
So which one is true?
You guessed it, didn’t you?
There’s no one way or the other, but it rather depends on the personal experience.
The truth is that a strong relationship is a relationship that is able to adapt. Hence, if a relationship can’t adapt to changes (and let’s be honest, changes will come), then it’ll hardly be considered a strong and meaningful relationship.
So, on that basis, if you’ve previously built or if you are building a great and well-founded relationship, having kids shouldn’t be a problem.
A great way to keep the flame alive is to create certain “rules”: make sure to create a routine in which you designate some time for dates, or for some time just the two of you.
Read more: How to write a dating profile as a Single parent?
How to make a relationship work when one has a child
It is indeed a very popular question. Many single parents fear that they might not find great matches because of their situation.
Having a kid can be a great experience, but it can also scare some singles.
Right, so what can you do?
First of all, the most important thing you should do is, to be honest from the beginning. That implies, obviously, being honest about your situation but most importantly being honest about what you’d expect from a partner.
Communication is key as always to make a relationship work.
If you explain to your partner your routine, your feelings and most importantly your expectations, he/she will be able to know how to act and how to be part of your family.
Most of the problems come when the single parent doesn’t give any information to their new partner. The consequence is that the new partner is constantly feeling apart…
So, honest and conscious communication is the key to a successful relationship when one has a child!