Write a successful dating Ad
Last Update : May 10, 2018
Writing a profile for a successful online dating is a challenge for most singles looking for love on the internet. How do you possibly describe being attractive? What should you reveal and what should you keep to yourself? Should you reveal everything? All of these questions have been asked before by those newly registered on dating sites. But the questions are asked so often because they are important ones. Creating a good profile has a considerable impact on your success rate. To begin, here are a few tips for creating a successful ad…

What kind of person are you?
Though it may appear to be simple, writing an ad for a dating profile is far from easy. It’s a case of “selling” rather than “describing” yourself. You must do your own advertising while also remaining honest, which can prove to be tricky.
Your written description should target the “right partners”, those that suit you and with which you’d most likely live a beautiful and harmonious life together. It’s important to find the right words, the right tone and express the substance of your personality and your desire to find happiness in a loving relationship.
In order to get your self-description just right, try these tips: start by describing yourself physically, highlighting your traits in a positive manner (no, you’re not “lean”, you’re “thin”. You’re not “big”, you’re “voluptuous”). Once you’ve described your appearance, get help from friends or family to describe your personality (or use personality tests offered online on many websites). It’s important to know what you’re primary character traits are. Talk about your positives but leave out your faults (or mention them in a funny, self-deprecating way to show that you have a good sense of humour).
What kind of relationship are you looking for?
It’s the first question to ask yourself because in answering it, you will have a much clearer idea and understanding of the type of relationship you’re aiming for: serious, naughty or just a friendly one?
Also ask yourself if you would be willing to move to find love or if you would be open to a relationship with someone who has children. What are your favourite activities, passions or common interests, etc? Take a sheet of paper and draw three columns. In the first column, write down what you deem to be essential in the relationship and the things you cannot do without (eg. trust, honesty, location, etc.). In the second column, write down the optional criteria, such as common interests and non-essential character traits (eg. likes bicycling, likes family meals, travel, etc.) In the third and final column, fill in the prohibitive elements of a relationship and the things that you will absolutely not accept (eg. smoking, partner who has pets, etc.).
This approach will allow you to clarify and identify what you really expect from a dating site. In this way, writing your ad will become much easier and will be more successful.
What makes you unique?
You know you are unique and one-of-a-kind (we all are), but could you describe what differentiates you from others? You like movies, travelling and animals, but those interests are pretty common and don’t necessarily narrow down what kind of person you really are. In order to personalize your description, try being more specific with your details. What kind of movies do you like? How often do you go to the movies? Who is your favourite actor or director?
This method can be applied to all of your interests and activities: painting, cooking, sports, etc. There is no set of rules for the way you write your description and it doesn’t require a specific style. On the other hand, it’s important to use proper spelling and grammar without mistakes.
The description of your daily life is not always enough, though. It’s important to appear well rounded. Try to add in some of the things that are important to you or things you hope to do, like “3 essential thing for me are nature, spending time with my children and doing yoga”. If you run out of ideas or your mind goes blank, call on loved ones, in particular your friends who can give you an objective judgement, to help you. Rely on their assessment — they know your main personality traits, especially those that make you charming and likeable. Do not be too hard on yourself and have confidence in the opinions of your friends — they are your friends after all!